Choices! We love choices, real or imagined. Thus, a new feature that is gaining in popularity across social media – POLLS. Although official polls are reasonably new on many platforms, brands have quickly embraced them, and you should as well!
You know how we always talk about engaging with your customers? Finding out what they want and what motivates them? It is like the social media platforms read our mind! Social media polls are a great way to not only maintain brand awareness and engagement but to actively solicit feedback.
While Twitter was the first platform to embrace polls, they have been joined by Instagram (in a user’s story) and Facebook!
Now while you may want to ask a million questions, oh wait, is that just us? Before you go poll-happy, remember you aren’t the only brand wanting your customer’s attention, so be courteous. You don’t need to spam them with polls, just like you don’t need to spam them with emails. Be thoughtful and prepared.
So, go ahead, create a poll and see if your followers will interact with it. You might be surprised at what you learn!