Just because your company is on a tight budget doesn’t mean you have to skimp on marketing. There are many budget-friendly ways to market your brand and spread the word about your products or services, such as:
1. Stick with content marketing.
Starting a blog with content related to your business and relevant to your customers is a great way to drive traffic to your website, anticipate and answer customer questions, and attract new leads.
Content marketing can be time-consuming if you try and do it yourself, but the good news is that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you post. Old content can be rewritten and repurposed. Consider making an eye-catching infographic for Instagram or a short-but-engaging video for YouTube. Branching out from the standard blog format will help you reach new customers on new platforms.
Another popular format you might try is the podcast. Again, you don’t have to expend a ton of effort; old blog posts can be retweaked and reworked into a podcast script. An entertaining, regularly scheduled podcast can net you hundreds of loyal followers who will likely promote your business to others by word of mouth.
The trick to successful content marketing is consistency, in terms of the tone you use and the frequency with which you post. If content marketing appeals to you but the time commitment gives you pause, that’s what we’re here for. Let the talented content creators at Absolute Holdings Group handle your content marketing for you.
2. Encourage user-generated content.
You can actually get marketing content for free simply by asking your customers to produce some for you. It can be as simple as a testimonial on your Facebook page, a picture on Instagram of a customer holding or using your product, or a Tweet that includes a clever hashtag that references and connects back to your company.
User-generated content has the added bonus of giving you extra insight into your customer’s needs and opinions, helping your marketing team make better decisions about the business or the marketing strategy.
3. Build up your social media presence.
Besides being one of the main ways that Millennials and Generation Z learn about new products and companies, social media is another marketing resource that’s absolutely free to get started. Utilizing as many platforms as possible will help give you the longest reach when it comes to enticing new leads and connecting with existing customers, and it will also help you build an online community more quickly.
Blog posts, Facebook posts, Instagram pictures (with or without clever captions), YouTube or TikTok videos, Tweets with hashtags—these are all excellent ways to garner fans and followers. Be sure to make it personal: Interact with your audience on various platforms, share your company’s mission and meaning, showcase the best features of your products or services, and encourage users to submit their own content—fostering a personal connection with your customers will make them feel good about choosing your brand.
Does managing your own social media sound like too much of a hassle? The results are proven, so if you want to give it a go but aren’t sure how or where to start, let the social media gurus at Absolute Holdings Group handle things for you.
4. Offer a free trial.
Sure, it may cost you a little money at first, but offering a free trial of your products or services is a great way to build trust with your customers and improve the reputation of your brand. (Free stuff always generates goodwill!)
Make sure that the free trial allows your potential customers to experience (almost) all of the best things your company has to offer. You’ll want them to feel so pampered that they can’t bear to cancel once the free trial is up. Also, ask for feedback! That way you’ll understand why and you’ll know what steps to take to improve the retention rate if some of your potential customers do cancel.
5. Get involved in your community.
Your sphere of influence shouldn’t just exist in cyberspace; it should have roots in your own hometown, too. We’re talking boots-on-the-ground here. Sponsor local community events or host an event yourself. Join your local Chamber of Commerce and any other organizations for entrepreneurs and business owners in your community. Volunteer at or donate to local charities. The people you meet (and help out) in person will be your most loyal customers and supporters.
7. Set up a webinar or online course.
Another great way to reach (and impress) your target audience is to teach them something useful. Online learning platforms like Skillshare and Udemy allow you to set up free (or for-a-fee) courses that your clients and customers can access from anywhere, at any time.
Plan to teach something that will really prove helpful in your customers’ lives, and teach it in a way that’s both informative and entertaining. If a course is actually fun to take, word will spread and more people will sign up. It’s a great way to build your audience, increase brand awareness, and improve your company’s reputation.
8. Amp up your SEO strategy.
SEO is still an important and effective way to drive traffic to your website and improve the reach of your content. Conducting keyword research, creating a link-building plan, and optimizing your content are great ways to improve your SEO game.
Stressed out by SEO? Let the SEO specialists at Absolute Holdings Group manage that hassle for you.
9. Update your online directory listings.
Online directories like Yelp, Facebook, and Google My Business are excellent resources for funneling potential customers directly to your business. It’s the quickest and easiest way to start building an online presence (you want people who search for you to be able to find you, right?) and it’s usually absolutely free. Make sure your business is listed on as many online directories as possible, and provide as much detail as possible when sharing the details of your company.
As you can see, there’s a lot you can do to spread awareness of your brand and engage with your customers without spending a lot of money you don’t have (yet). But you don’t have to try and do it all yourself. We’re here to help you grow your business expertly and affordably. Check out the rest of our site to learn more about us, and please get in touch if there’s anything we can do for you!