Which Metrics Matter

Which Metrics Matter

It is easy to get overwhelmed with which metrics you should be tracking on Facebook. Our handy guide to Facebook definitions will help you understand what metrics matter for your business! Download your FREE Guide...
The Importance of Thanking Your Customers

The Importance of Thanking Your Customers

Business is relationship-based and letting your customers know that you value their business is a critical component of long-term success. Here are some easy ways to let your customers know you appreciate them. Stay in the know on all things marketing and join our...
The Importance of a Social Media Marketing Schedule

The Importance of a Social Media Marketing Schedule

The average business owner spends 10+ hours a week doing their social media… which amounts to losing one whole quarter of your year doing social media. What if through pre-planning you could get MOST of that time back and use it on other revenue-generating...
3 Budget-Friendly Marketing Strategies

3 Budget-Friendly Marketing Strategies

We are all watching budgets right now, so here are three PROVEN budget-friendly marketing strategies to help you grow your business, brand authority, and social proof. Join our FREE Facebook Group: Practical Marketing For Business Owners Learn more about Press...
The Difference Between Marketing and Communications

The Difference Between Marketing and Communications

A while back, we explained the difference between tactics and strategy. You can revisit that article here; it’s a good refresher that will help you understand the difference between marketing and communications. That’s because marketing is a strategy, while...
Direct Mail Best Practices

Direct Mail Best Practices

Believe it or not, marketing through direct mail is still a valid tactic. For one thing, people love getting mail, especially when it’s personalized to them. For another thing, everyone’s email inbox is already overflowing with offers and advertisements both...